Tuesday, December 14, 2004

An even longer 7 days....

Well seems like the weeks are getting longer in the build up to the XMas holidays...
I was off sick Friday 3rd Dec with a very repid flu which had me in bed with a fever by 24 hours into catching it...
Then on Saturday I thought I would go to a game of football to sweat it out of my system.
Lo and behold 20 minutes into my game I got tackled (fouled more like) by Courts, and landed badly on my back...
Couldnt move for days, so I missed work till Friday and just when I thought I could get back to work..
My wife goes into Labour Thursday night, and gave birth to my first child - a delightful baby boy on Saturday morning.
I had to take Monday off to do all the baby shopping - I was stunned by the cost at the checkout, definalty Mum's fault.
Well I am back to work today, only to find things start to go wrong when they seemed to be fine while I was away....

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